Friday, 26 February 2016


Single inheritance :

The process of creating one new class by derived from a single class is known as single Inheritance.

A simple example for single inheritance is father and son . a father property is can a chance to us        by son like their relationship, inheritance forms a relationship called "IS A' for suppose
 "Man is a Human ".
       base class = Human
       derived class = Man
After inheritance , A Derived class can access Base class properties , But The Base cannot have a permission to access Derived class properties 

Define a base class :

class  <BaseClassName >
 //data members of super class
 //methods of super class

EX :
      class A
        String str = "base class" ;
        public void Print()
            Console.WriteLine("this is "+ str);

Here we write a normal class A with str as member variable and Print() member method 

Define a derived class:

Class < SubClassName> : < SuperClassName >
 //data members of sub class
 //methods of sub class

   Ex : 
       class B : A
        string str2 = "child class";
        public void print2()
           print();                  // accessing Class A method with out using object
           Console.WriteLine(str2+" is derived from " + str);

Here By using colon ' : ' operator we can do inheritance from A to B , in Class B we can directly access Class A properties like print() method because they are inherited.

Accessing base class through derived class:

<subclassname> objectname = new  <subclassname>();

     variable = objectname.SuperClassVarible ;

 Ex :
Class Program
   B b = new B(); // creating a sub class object
    b.print(); // accessing Class A method through object
    b.print2() ;


Here we create a sub class object b and using sub class object only we can access directly the base class methods.
output  :
              this is base class
              this is base class
              child class is derived from base class


Program 2 : 

Write a program on single inheritance like entering details in Base class and print that details in Derived class ?

/** A program on single inhertance **/
using System;
namespace InheritanceDemo
    class ClsParent    // creating parent class or base class
        public  string source, destination; // base class variables 
        public void Reservation() // base class method
            Console.Write("Enter city name where your are in now : ");
            source = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Enter city name where you need to go : ");
            destination = Console.ReadLine();
    class ClsChid : ClsParent  // creating child class using : colon operator
         double amount;
        public void calAmount() // derived class method
        public void DisplayReservationDetails() // derived class method
            Console.Write("\nfyour are  travling from "+source); // source is accessible because it is inherited from parent class
            Console.WriteLine(" to "+destination);  // destination is accessible because it is inherited from parent class
            Console.WriteLine("fare is :"+amount);   // amount is child class variable only             
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ClsChid obj = new ClsChid(); // creating object for derived class
            obj.Reservation();   // using derived class object accessing base class method 
            obj.calAmount();        // as usual accesing member methods 
            obj.DisplayReservationDetails(); // as usual accessig member methods

Output :
Enter city name where you are in now : hyderabad 
Enter city name where yor need to go : vijayawada

your are  travling from hyderabad to vijayawada
face is : 1000



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